Writing essays for university
College Application Essay
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Job satisfaction free essay sample
Kuala Lumpur Evaluation of Learning for Performance Improvement International Conference, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-6 December 2012 Job Satisfaction Levels among Academic Staff at Kolej Profesional MARA, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia Norulhuda Awang an aUniversiti Malaysia Kelantan Kuala Lumpur Campus, Bukit Jalil Malaysia Abstract The training gives explicit jobs to the advancement of things to come country. In this way, when all is said in done the job of speakers is extremely basic in producing a quality alumni who will thus raises the country ahead since the informed alumni are the benefits of one nation. This paper expected to find out the effect of occupation fulfillment of Kolej Profesional MARA, Seri Iskandar scholarly staff on their dedication towards scholastic exercises. Other than that, it additionally examined explicitly factors adding to work fulfillment, in particular limited time openings, the board style, working condition, remaining task at hand, and relationship with partners. By and large, the discoveries of this paper demonstrate that fulfilled scholastic staff will be focused on their activity, with work fulfillment, it was trusted that the efficiency just as understudies execution will increment. We will compose a custom article test on Occupation Satisfaction or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Lower work fulfillment make disagreeable situation where at a circumstance absence of quality in class and high non-attendance and this will prompt demotivated understudies simultaneously lower understudies execution. This paper adds to the administration and down to earth ramifications of the school in relations to representative fulfillments.  © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Determination and friend survey under obligation of Global Entrepreneurship Research Innovation Center (GERIC), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Key words: work fulfillment, limited time, the board style, remaining task at hand, Malaysia 1. Presentation Training is one of the most significant institutional association of a country. It supervises issues on national motivation. Its successful running relies solidly upon its coordination toward cultural desire. Fruitful instructive projects lie on the significant commitments of exertion, inclusion, and above all on the general instructor (scholastic staff) professionalization. Scholastic staff work fulfillment, responsibility, and maintenance are essential to viable schools (scholarly establishments). A positive and sound college atmosphere converts into expanded scholarly staff work fulfillment. A solid college atmosphere won't just increment the activity fulfillment of scholastic staff yet it will simultaneously improve the learning condition and increment the efficiency of the college. Likewise, it gets critical to work fulfillment on the grounds that regularly held dreams and convictions, combined with a positive situation, convey with them vitality for progress. Occupation fulfillment has been a significant point throughout the years (Akfopure et al. , 2006). It is of significance as occupation fulfillment is accepted to add to work execution just as work responsibility. A worker who is happy with his activity would play out his obligations well and be focused on his activity, and in this way to his association. Consequently, it is of most extreme significance for businesses to know the components that can influence their employees’ work fulfillment level since it would influence the presentation of the association too. Numerous investigations have been done to represent factors that influence work fulfillment. Among the elements are work self-rule, working condition and the board styles. Karim (2008) extensively ordered the components into work and laborer related factors. Because of its significance, many research have been finished relating to work fulfillment in different callings, for example, library (Karim, 2008), development (Jaafar et al, 2006) and training (Huda et al, 2004; Chimanikire et al, 2007; Santhapparaj and Alam, 2005). There is likewise an absence of predictable definition for work fulfillment. Employment fulfillment has been characterized as a solitary worldwide idea that alludes to the general fulfillment levels (Ying Ahmad, 2009) or as a different dimensional idea that alludes to the mental or sociological variables. Various dimensional ideas have been applied to find how workers are influenced by for instance, the characteristic and outward components of their employments (Ssesanga Garret, 2005; Lacy Sheehan,1997). Different specialists want to characterize work fulfillment as the eagerness to play out an undertaking (Mertler, 2002), or how individuals feel about their employments (George Jones, 1996; Mertle, 2001) or â€Å"a worldwide inclination about the job†¦Ã¢â‚¬ so as to discover which part of the activity produces fulfillment or disappointment (Spector, 1977). Henne and Locke (1985) characterized work fulfillment as a pleasurable or positive enthusiastic express that one gets from their professional training. Additionally, work fulfillment is characterized as a circumstance when a representative starts to contrast the genuine activity result with the ideal occupation result which is the aftereffect of a tender response to a given activity circumstance (Kusku, 2003; Rad Yarmohammadin, 2006). By and large, scholarly specialists would like to characterize work fulfillment dependent on the double hypothesis of Herzberg et al. (Elegant Sheehan, 1997; Ssesanga Garret, 2005; Rad Yarmohammadin, 2006). Accordingly, work fulfillment considers depended on the idea that the academicians’ wellspring of fulfillment originates from the inherent variables which are identified with work content and outward factors that are related with the workplace. Occupation fulfillment is a worker’s feeling of accomplishment and accomplishment at work. It is commonly seen to be straightforwardly connected to profitability just as to individual prosperity. Employment fulfillment infers carrying out a responsibility one appreciates, doing it well and being remunerated for one’s endeavors. Employment fulfillment further infers excitement and satisfaction with one’s work. Employment fulfillment is the key fixing that prompts acknowledgment, pay, advancement, and the accomplishment of different objectives that lead to a sentiment of satisfaction (Kaliski,2007). The term work fulfillments allude to the disposition and sentiments individuals have about their work. Positive and good perspectives towards the activity demonstrate work fulfillment. Negative and ominous perspectives towards the activity show work disappointment (Armstrong, 2006). Occupation fulfillment is the assortment of feeling and convictions that individuals have about their present place of employment. People’s levels of degrees of occupation fulfillment can run from extraordinary fulfillment to outrageous disappointment. Individuals additionally can have mentalities about different parts of their employments, for example, the sort of work they do, their associates, administrators or subordinates and their compensation (George et al. , 2008). We consider that activity fulfillment speaks to an inclination that shows up because of the recognition that the activity empowers the material and mental needs (Aziri, 2008). 2. Writing Review In Malaysia, an examination led by Noordin and Jusoff (2009) in state funded colleges announced that academicians were respectably happy with their vocations. Pay appears to significantly affect their degree of occupation fulfillment. Nasurdin and Ramayah (2007) and Yew (2007) revealed that activity fulfillment among the Malaysian workforce was gotten especially from outward factors, for example, compensations, advancement and management which are connected decidedly to pledge to the association. Wong and Heng (2009) as of late endeavored to contemplate work fulfillment of the scholarly staff in two Malaysian colleges. This contextual investigation was led on a hundred (100) employees of both the private and state funded colleges. They did exclude a portion of the activity angles that were significant, for example, research and instructing. In their investigation, they presumed that the wellspring of employment fulfillment originated from strategies actualized, organization and the compensation conspire. The wellspring of disappointment originated from individual accomplishment, development, relational connections, acknowledgment, obligations, management, the work itself and working conditions. In another examination by Santhapparaj and Alam (2005) there were signs that the scholarly staff in three private colleges in Malaysia were happy with their compensations, advancements, working conditions and bolster given for look into. Saad, Samah and Juhdi (2008) who did an investigation in a private college found that the scholastic staffs was modestly happy with the wellbeing programs, working condition, adaptable hours, relationship with friends and bosses and the chance to be autonomous. The scholastic staff demonstrated low fulfillment in regions concerning pay rates, offices, outstanding task at hand, openings, impartial execution examinations, open door for headway, employer stability and acknowledgment. This investigation somewhat bolsters Hertzberg’s hypothesis and because of the idea of the example, it can't be summed up to the business. Occupation Satisfaction free exposition test Of those specialists, Robert Hoppock is maybe the most generally refered to, despite the fact that others have developed with definitions reflecting increasingly current hypothetical underpinnings of occupation fulfillment. A portion of the renditions utilize the terms work perspectives, work fulfillment, and employment spirit reciprocally, which may clarify the absence of a normalized activity fulfillment definition. Inside the writing, Hoppock offered probably the soonest meaning of employment fulfillment when he depicted the build similar to any number of mental, physiological, and natural conditions which drives an individual to communicate fulfillment with their activity (Hoppock, 1935). Smith et. al. (1969) characterized work fulfillment as the inclination an individual has 11 about their activity. Locke (1969) recommended that activity fulfillment was a positive or pleasurable response coming about because of the apprais
Sunday, July 12, 2020
3 Common Mistakes Side Hustlers Make (and How to Avoid Them)
3 Common Mistakes Side Hustlers Make (and How to Avoid Them) 3 Common Mistakes Side Hustlers Make (And How to Avoid Them) 3 Common Mistakes Side Hustlers Make (And How to Avoid Them)You work hard for your money. Avoid these oversights to make sure your side gig or freelance job is working for you and not the other way around.When cash is tight, people often turn to side gigs and freelancing or contract work. And while this work is flexible and may help pad your bank account, it also comes with a set of rules and requirements than many people â€" especially those who are used to working as a true full- or part-time employee â€" simply don’t know. These pitfalls can actually end up costing you money. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when taking on a side hustle.Mistake No. 1: Not paying quarterly taxesBeverly Miller, a Pittsburgh-based personal finance coach, says one of the most common mistakes side hustlers make is not setting aside money â€" or not setting aside enough money â€" to pay taxes. Side hustlers often don’t realize they have to pay self-employment taxes, essentially 15%†of your income, she says, which covers Social Security and Medicare obligations. When you are an employee, your employer withholds this part of your paycheck for taxes, but when you are side hustling, you are the employer.Keep in mind this is an additional tax on top of your income tax. “Between federal, state, and local income taxes, plus the self-employment tax,†says Miller, “that can eat up 25% to 30%†of your earnings.Setting the money aside â€" the full 30% of earnings â€" is important because most people are used to having their taxes taken out of their paycheck and sent to the tax authorities by their employer. When you side hustle, that responsibility falls on you. That means you can’t spend your entire paycheck once you get it, or you could end up thousands of dollars in the hole when Uncle Sam comes knocking.You also can’t wait to shore up at the end of the year as your would if you were someone’s employee. You have to pay quarterly via the estimated quarterly tax p ayments, Miller says. That means you have to pay four different times throughout the year. (See the Freelancers Union 2019 guidelines for the payment schedule and other tips.)According to the IRS website, “Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, and S corporation shareholders, generally have to make estimated tax payments if they expect to owe tax of $1,000 or more when their return is filed.†Yes, that includes side hustlers and freelancers. If you don’t pay estimated taxes, don’t pay enough taxes, or if you pay them late, you may be subject to fines, penalties, and interest, which can add up quick. “I’ve seen plenty of folks in debt on their taxes due to these mistakes,†Miller says.In general, in order to avoid fines, you must pay at least 90% of your owed taxes for the current year through quarterly payments, or 100% of your obligation from last year, whichever one is smaller.In order to avoid tax surprises or penalties, you may want to consider hiring a tax professional to help you. They will make sure you are following the rules and paying exactly what you owe â€" and not more â€" on time. They frequently “pay for themselves†when you consider how much they help you save.Mistake No. 2: Not staying organizedSteven Byrd, a financial coach at Hearthstone Financial Coaching, has plenty of experience helping side hustlers with their finances. In addition to coaching, he has also worked as a 2018 IRS-certified volunteer income tax preparer, running a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) tax site for a nonprofit called Impact America, which had many clients that did contract work on the side.“The absolute biggest way I have seen people lose money on side hustles is a lack of organization,†Byrd says. The first step he recommends for anyone who runs their own business or side gig? Opening a separate bank account for their business. “Its pretty easy to open a business bank account as a side hustler now,†he says.A business accou nt that is separate from your personal account helps you easily keep track of money coming in and money coming out of your business. When you combine your personal and business expenses in one account, finances can often get blurry and complicated, which can become a mess when it comes time to pay your taxes. Housing all of your income in one bank account also makes it easier to spend money you should be reserving for your business, which can lead to financial problems.A crucial component of your side hustle to track? Your business expenses, which can reduce your tax burden at the end of the year. “Businesses need to track absolutely everything, and Ive seen a lot of people leave money on the table at tax time because they didnt have receipts to actually deduct their expenses,â€Byrd says.Mistake No. 3: Not accounting for the cost of doing businessMike Scott, senior mortgage and loan originator at Independent Bank, reviews tax returns on a daily basis and has seen the mistakes sid e hustlers make first hand. “Probably the single biggest mistake I see is that people focus on the immediate cost and benefit, rather than taking into account the long-term costs,†he says.He uses ride-share drivers as an example. “They look at it and say that they have made $160 in 8 hours of driving, and that all it cost them was a tank of gas, since they have a vehicle that gets 40 mpg, for example,†Scott says. “What they do not take into account is that they drove 300 miles in that 8 hours to make the $160.†Those 300 miles means the car requires more maintenance, such as replacing oil, filters, windshield wipers, tires, and more. This also doesn’t account for the depreciation of the vehicle due to regular wear and tear.According to Scott, an average low-end estimate for the cost to operate a vehicle is about 40 cents a mile. This accounts for the types of maintenance costs listed above as well as long-term costs, such as replacing an engine, and some of the vehic le depreciation costs.“The driver that made $160 but put 300 miles on their car typically only subtracts the cost of gas, or about $20,†to find their profit, Scott says. “In their minds, they made $140 for 8 hours of side hustle.â€However, this is far from the truth. “The reality is that it cost them about $120 to drive that 300 miles, so they made $40 for 8 hours of work. That ends up being less than minimum wage.â€This is just one example. Depending on the industry in which you work, you may be required to obtain specific licenses or certifications, follow certain zoning laws, or carry specific types of business insurance. Following these laws and regulations costs a certain amount of money, and failing to follow them can end up costing you money in fines, penalties, or legal ramifications. For more information on this topic, visit the Small Business Administration website.When side hustlers run into debtNot paying taxes, disorganization, and ignoring the cost of doing business can have dire effects on your pocketbook when the whole point of the side hustle was making extra cash.People who have trouble paying monthly expenses are more prone to looking for short-term solutions, such as running up credit card debt or seeking out risky short-term loans, such as no credit check loans, bad credit loans, or other types of personal loans. These products can often do more harm than good, leading people into a cycle of debt they can’t escape.For side hustlers or gig workers who could use some extra tips, check out this article from OppLoans: “6 Financial Bummers of Going Freelance â€" And How to Make Them Not Suck.â€
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Human Rights A Classification For A Globalized World Essay
Human Rights: A Classification for a Globalized World According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, human rights is defined as â€Å"rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons†(â€Å"Human Rights†). Majority of Americans can come to a conclusion of knowing and understating the basic principles of human rights. Throughout history classes in the United States children are repeatedly read these rights through the Declaration of Independence which states everyone possess the equal amount of rights regardless of gender, race, and financial status. However, on a global spectrum human rights hold different values. Certain countries do not hold up to the same philosophies as America. Human rights differentiate in Sweden, Brazil, and Libya based on sexual orientation, labor rights, and the conditions of detention centers depending on the government. To start, human rights may not have many vari ables in America as both men and women possess the privilege of equality however, in other countries women still battle to receive the same amount of rights men have. For instance women in Libya presently still struggle to acquire the same rights as men. According to the Constitutional Declaration Libya is said to be a democracy forum allowing all citizens to implement political, domestic, and legal rights. Women encounter discrimination that immensely impacts their opportunity to employment, their manifestation inShow MoreRelatedThe Language Of The Aztec People Essay1618 Words  | 7 Pagesdisappearing completely, however do we have the right? Take a moment to imagine aliens have invaded the planet earth and the human race has lost the war. Now that the aliens have taken control of the planet we, the human race, must begin the process of assimilating into their culture. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Are Fossil Fuels - 1922 Words
Today when our car is running low on gas, all we do is stop at a gas station and fill it up. We do not even take a second to think about it, we just do it. Not many people stop and think about how the fuel we are putting into our cars got to the gas station in the first place. The bad news for us is that oil, along with a few other resources, are fossil fuels. Almost everyone’s daily life uses fossil fuels in one way or another. The big question that not many people ask or know the answer to is; what are fossil fuels? To find out what fossil fuels are, we must first know how they were formed. They were at first actual living organisms. â€Å"They were formed from prehistoric plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago†(Department of Energy, N.d, p.1). Examples of fossil fuels are oil, coal, and natural gas. All three of these resources are given a term â€Å"non-renewable.†This is because once we use all of these resources up, they are gone forever. These non-renewable resources also cannot be replaced in our lifetime. There is only a certain amount of these fossil fuels left in the Earth for us to be able to use. To better understand fossil fuels, we need to look at each one separately. The first fossil fuel that most people think of is oil. â€Å"Oil was formed from layers of sediments rich in the remains of tiny (microscopic) plants and animals. As the layers were buried deeper and deeper below younger layers of sediment, the plant and animalShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Fossil Fuels?1387 Words  | 6 PagesStarting small I wanted to explain what fossil fuels are exactly. Also how they are non- renewable, meaning that they indeed will run out one day, and there is no way how to replenish the supply after it is gone. Fossil fuels are natural fuels such as coal or gas, these fuels formed in the geological past from the remains of microscopic plants and ancient animals like dinosaurs that lived and died mi llions of years ago. 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Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy, which include oil, coal, and natural gas (Ecomi, 2008). When all the fossil fuels in the Earth are used up, they cannot be replaced. They are produced out of decomposed plants and animals that date back more than six-hundred million years (Bloch, 2009). Currently, fossil fuels are being used very quickly. Almost every modern living function depends on the use of fossil fuels. WithoutRead MoreFossil Fuels And Its Effects On Our World1573 Words  | 7 PagesFossil fuels have been a big discussion in today’s world due to the pollution they have been causing on the earth. Fossil fuels have been creating energy for the world for so many years. Fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coals used every day by almost every American. We use it to travel, to keep us warm, to cook our food, and many other everyday activities, but we don’t know the harm it is doing to the world. Thanks to Media today we are starting to realize the damage fossil fuel is causingRead MoreAdvantages Of Fossil Fuels998 Words  | 4 PagesWhat are fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are a type of gas that dominate the energy sources. Fossil fuels are one of the most used and they are starting to run out. They are mostly used due their low prices. They estimate that by the end of the 21st century fossil fuel nuclear What are fossil fuels? Fossil fuels are a type of gas that dominate the energy sources. Fossil fuels are one of the most used and they are starting to run out. They are mostly used due their low prices. They estimate that by the
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Thursday, April 23, 2020
Roderic OConor Essay Example
Roderic OConor Paper Art is the creation of beautiful or significant things and throughout Ireland in the early 19th century, they were many artists that emerged and produced such art. Roderic OConor was a significant, famous individual who emerged out of Ireland as the most important Irish artist of the late 19th century. OConor was born in 1860 at Milton in County Roscommon. He was an immensely talented character, independent thinker and experimentalist that painted with great range and distinction. He firstly began his work at the Metropolitan School and then at the Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA) in Dublin, where he studied for one year. Like many of his contemporaries at this time, OConor wanted to further and broaden his horizons and artistic knowledge and in 1884, he moved from Dublin to Antwerp and then to Paris, where he became an eleve de M Carolus-Duran. He never returned to Ireland. OConor has been called, variously, a little known member of the Pont-Aven school, an Irish Expressionist, a Fauve, a master of color and even an Irish-American as you will later on, understand why. We will write a custom essay sample on Roderic OConor specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Roderic OConor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Roderic OConor specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer OConors origins are obscure and his life to say the least is that of a recluse. He was a very wealthy, yet private and personal artist who rarely exhibited his work or sold any of his paintings. OConor was a connoisseur and a highly cultured man who remained alert all his life to current trends in art and literature in Ireland and in Europe. With a modest, yet powerful personality, OConor was a unique entity that strived on bridging the gap between realism and post-impressionism. Living his entire career in France, OConor spent longer in France than any other Irish painter. He became completely integrated with French painters. OConor was associated with great names in French art, including Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which he met in Pont Aven before 1893. This particular period in OConors life is said to be the most noteworthy chapter in his career. In the 1890s, the most significant period in OConors life, he began painting landscapes and figure pieces, vibrant with colour, painted in a bold, impressionistic manner. His combinations of reds and greens, pinks and lilacs, oranges and maroons etc characterized his paintings. His technique gave his work an identifiable stamp in the 1890s, but it was his use of hot colours and colour combinations that expresses his powerful yet self-doubting temperament, and gives his work its recognisable individuality. Such a painting that portrays his personality at this time was Field of Corn, Pont Even 1892. This particular painting demonstrates his expressiveness and how he had a ribbon effect in his work. The picture captures something of the haughty dignity of the primitive peasant nature within the Village of Breton in Pont Even. The varied approaches of 19th-century artists to landscape painting provide insight into their enjoyment of the natural world. While some artists in Europe painted to capture natures myriad components in detail, others sought to recreate its atmospheric conditions, fleeting impressions, or to grasp its eternal essence. OConor was influenced by many artists but one particular artist he greatly admired was Vincent Van Gogh as mentioned above. Van Gogh used to be a realist painter, once troubled and even suffered from paranoia. Van Gogh used primary colours and a technique of dashes of colour, which is channelled through his paintings in hoping to create swirling patterns. When OConor painted Field of Corn, it portrayed a warm, delicate example of his use of parallel-hatched brushstrokes, weighed down with strong and pure colours, work Van Gogh was aspired to. OConors passion and intensity to be a fine artist shone through. He painted quickly and loosely, playing with lights and colours to create an image. He was aware of colour theory and impressionism, as he allows colours to react simultaneously if they are complementary to each other. He gives us a feeling of landscape in this piece without trying to be photographic, yet we can criticise him, in that he obtained knowledge from other realists and that the painting was portrayed as very ordinary and not very pragmatic. OConor explored a technique of etching through Armand Seguin, using similar rhythmic lines to those of his striped paintings. In making these etchings, OConor worked very spontaneously, using strong directional lines to capture the wildness of the Brittany landscape and create a sense of compressed energy. As stated before, his work is closely linked to European trends and that of Van Gogh and even Gauguin, as the impressionist input is emphasised through the colours and light he uses and the post-impressionist influence is noticed through playing with lines and depth, yet OConor is still believed to remain an individual. Gauguin was said to have urged OConor to depart Paris with him and set out for the South Seas but he refused because OConor had discovered, in the wild and isolated landscape of Brittany, a totally absorbing subject for his art. For the rest of his life, OConor continued to live in Brittany, Paris where he fell in love and later married a young French woman. At this time, OConors paintings were relatively traditional and straightforwardly realistic, drawing connections between realism and impressionism, some showing the influences of Gauguin and later, some anticipating tenancies such as Fauvism and expressionism, which afterwards became movements or styles. According to Arnold, Bruce A Concise History of art (1968) London, Thames and Hudson (p.) OConor was said to have went through 3 not very distinctive periods in his life. From 1889-1900, OConors work was strongly influenced by Vincent Van Gogh as mentioned above. His pictures utilized a stripy technique, heavy painting, with relatively subdued colours. In 1894, after forming a close relationship with Gauguin in Pont Even, OConors technique changes. Instead of using thick paint (Impasto), which was present in his striped landscapes e.g. Field of Corn 1892, and influenced many other artists, OConor employed changes in his brush marks, which became more fluid and elongated, using the paint more delicately and thinly, painting wet on wet, implementing more mixing and blending of colour on the canvas. This emphasising a feeling of apathy and indifference in creating real space and depth in the work. It has become obvious how trends, development and movements of different styles of art in Europe in the 19th century have influenced OConor, possibly because he fell in love with the tendency of different movement styles and techniques that France had to offer him. From 1900-1910, it was an important part in the artists life. His colours became rich, strong and beautifully balanced and a highly distinctive palette emerges in his canvases. After 1910, his work becomes much more diverse, his style ranges more extensively, yet at this particular period, there was a convinced loss of intensity. This picture of a young Breton Girl in 1906 by OConor was a rather weary and exhausted piece, expressing the girls bold stare and blunt features. Her pose is expressionless and vacant and shes gazes suspiciously with her head slightly tilted to one side and raised. OConor uses complementary colours of reds and greens and reflects light and shadow in the girls chin and neck with his use of long stripes running down the girls face, thus heightening the emotion of the piece. In the 19 century, OConor became aspired to drawing still lives rather than painting landscapes. His techniques became loose and uninterested in details. Such an example was Girl reading 1910. (To the right) This painting, in a riot of color portrays a girl immersed in a book, totally oblivious to her surroundings. Some criticise OConor here and argued that it was not a portrait because of his loosely formed technique and lack of interest. In 1915, nude painting also became a fascination of OConor and his work and technique of painting again changed. In the late 19th century, the nude human figure remained a popular subject for painters and sculptors across Europe, who used it to express pleasure in both the physical nature of the body and its deeper significance in conveying spiritual meaning. Reclining Nude on a chase longe 1915. (To the right) was a painting by OConor that gives viewers a different perspective of OConors personality. He used limited palette and there was strong emphasises on his contrast between light and shade. In 1920, OConor painted The Bathers. This particular piece demonstrates the strong use of colour. The pure colour of yellows on both riverbanks is reaching beyond impressionism and post-impressionism, towards fauvism, this being a name for artists who were solely interested in colours and not lines and accuracy. Previously, OConors colours were always at the service of his subject matter whereas in fauvism, colour was used as an end in itself. OConor, along with other Irish artists such as, Walter Osborne, Sir John Lavery and Nathaniel Hone, dominated and emerged as great artists between the period of 1850-1916, also known as the arbitrary date yet OConor in comparison stands out as being the most experimental and tentative as he bonded a closer, intense relationship to changes in European artistic trends. For many centuries now, artists have looked to England and other European countries to continue their training and livelihood. For OConor, this was the beginning of a new life, a new way of thinking and a positive way of implementing changes learnt to create perfect movement styles, to generate rational images. Many artists in Europe and beyond drew self-portraits of themselves. This in itself allows viewers to gain a perception of what artists were like. The most successful portraits always suggest the personalities, as well as their physical characteristics. The three portraits here allow us to see how OConor, Van Gogh and Gauguin portray themselves s individuals. OConors self portrait exposes something of OConors pensive, contemplative and anti-social nature, as well as his very French appearance, his pale skin texture and complexion, dark hair, and flaccid moustache. For want of a better model, Van Gogh chose to paint his own portrait on many occasions. While in Paris between 1886 and 1888, Van Gogh lightened his palette under the influence of the brilliant colours of the Impressionists, but he soon reserved the use of such light colours to express particular moods. Van Goghs stay in Paris was a relatively happy one and in this painting, created during the summer of 1887, he portrays himself with an almost light-hearted appearance. Gauguin exemplified the restless artistic spirit. In this image, painted during a brief return to Paris from Tahiti in 1893, he plays the role of outsider, wearing the clothes and long hair of a Breton peasant rather than the suit of a Parisian. The background is divided horizontally, separating a cerebral and spiritual world from a physical and material one. His hand points toward a reproduction of a sketch by the painter Eugene Delacroix representing Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise. With this gesture Gauguin alludes to his sympathies for the distraught couple, for he was temporarily expelled from the paradise he had once discovered in Tahiti. It would be interesting to see how Roderic OConor would have ended up and how his work might have developed if he had not stayed in France, and instead travelled further around Europe and later, return to Ireland. There was also the opportunity for him to explore the South Seas with Paul Gauguin but he refused. OConor emerged into Europe and was influenced immensely by French artists Gauguin (Symbolism) and Van Gogh (Post impressionism). He developed a close liaison and friendship to Gauguin and some of the French artists work, helped OConor widen his own horizons to different trends and attitudes to art in Europe. Some critics also suggest that OConor did not know or have a personal relationship with Van Gogh. This Myth is left untold. At times through OConors life (1860-1940), he was said to have departed from the traditional pursuit of reproducing an illusion of real space in paintings of subjects, choosing instead to exploit the possibilities of paint to explore the fleeting effects of nature. This was definitely the case for OConor and today OConor is regarded as one of the most important modernist painters. (According to the Hunt Museum in Limerick) Unlike other artists, OConor made his life on a continent, spending all his life in France. He was influenced by impressionism and post-impressionism, in particular by Van Gogh and Gauguin and at one time Seguin, yet from my own perspective, it was clear that he was exploring his own ideas too. His work was inventive and experimental; these emphasised in his early striped paintings and in the early 20th century, in his use of vivid colours. OConors versatility as a painter in Europe is illustrated with subject matter, ranging through landscape (The Field of Pont Even 1892), to figure painting (Young Breton Girl 1906), to still life (Girl Reading 1910) and to nude painting (Reclining Nude on a chase longe 1915). His work emphasises his importance, his progressiveness, and his overall freedom of interpretation and expression throughout his life from Studying in Ireland, to travelling and living his life in France, in Europe. OConor today is greatly admired by many and his work influenc es many young artists across Europe to their own individual approaches to painting. OConor is known for his distinctive and richly coloured paintings and his technique of bold drawing. His work gives young artists the opportunity to judge the importance of his contribution in the late 18th and early 19th century. Different movements of art formed and disappeared throughout Europe. Some mentioned above include the post-impressionistic work of Vincent Van Gogh, the symbolic work of Gauguin, and the expressionistic types created by Irish Artist, Roderic OConor, whose work as stated before, reflects the impact of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, and his vivid use of colour anticipates the work of the Fauves painters, quoted by Simply Irish. Throughout the late 18th and mid 19th century, Romanticism was too, a rather important artistic and intellectual movement that originated, stressing strong emotions of art in Europe at that time. Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational and the imaginative. Eugene Delocroix was a famous french romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both impressionism and post-impressionism in trends in europe, even inspiring modern artists nowdays in europe, such as Pablo Picasso. Trends of arts in Europe at this time tends to be changing all the time. Many european artsists such as Delocroix etc visited England to broaden their horizans whereas we seen how painters from Ireland and England tended to travel to Europe to seek new experiences and opportunities. Observations of English, Irish and European cultures and traditions in general made a lasting impression upon those who travelled there. Realism was too, an important movement or style emerging in Europe. It was born in a time of revolutionary upheaval across Europe in the mid-19th century. Romanticism gave way to truth and sincerity, and a belief that art should come from direct experience. French art in Europe at this time was one favoured as most accepting to trends in 19th century Europe. Success of artists and public taste soon began to change. Realists turned convention on its head to give heroic character to everyday subjects. Manet (1832-1883) scandalized the public with his images of modern life. Impressionists tried to capture fleeting effects of light and atmosphere. Manet, like Roderic OConor found a flare to painting still life paintings at one point in his career. During the 19th century and early 20th both Paris and Europe developed new trends to art, giving it a new look. Urban renovations had opened the wide avenues and parks we know today, and painting was transformed when artists abandoned the transparent glazes and blended brush strokes of the past and turned their attention to life around them. Contemporary urban subjects and a bold style, which offered paint on the canvas as something to be admired within itself, giving art a strong new sense of the present.
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